Pool Parties in the Pandemic...In Wuhan!? SHOCKING PICS AND VIDEO

The city where Covid 19 originated from is now having pool parties with Thousands.No one is wearing masks or social distancing. This seems like another reality especially if you are living in the United states where the spread of the disease is still running like a wild fire due to horrible federal leadership. China claims they have not had a confirmed case since July. Officially 3,000 people have died in Wuhan from the airborne virus. But people living there believe about 42,000 people died. But many think it is A LOT more due to the amount of creamation urns being delviered to the funaerrl over 40,000 have dies int he city that ctsrated it all.

The city where Covid 19 originated from is now having pool parties with Thousands.No one is wearing masks or social distancing. This seems like another reality especially if you are living in the United states where the spread of the disease is still running like a wild fire due to horrible federal leadership. Chinese officials say that only 3,000 people died in Wuhan from the virus. But those who live in China think it is really about 42,000 people died. Other critics think the death total is much higher due to the amount of cremation urns being delivered to funeral homes.

Click Here to read more about the story and see pics and video from the pool party!

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