Are You A “Conversational Narcissist?”
How many times have you been stuck in a conversation with someone who only talks about the things they’re interested in, never shuts up about them, and you can’t get a word in? Those people are called “conversational narcissists,” and there very well could be one in the room with you right now. It might even be you. Here are the signs, in case you’re not sure.
- Controlling – They keep the chatter flowing around the things they know about and control the room…taking up most of the talk time. When things start to drift, they disengage.
- Monopolize – Upwards of four-fifths of the conversation is them talking, and they’re particularly interested when it’s about them.
- Superiority – Their arrogance and superiority make it so others don’t feel “worthy” of interjecting, or risk being cut down.
- Know It All – No matter what the topic, they’re the expert. There’s no “reading the room.”
- Interruptions – There’s an “entitlement” when it comes to taking the floor, and they’ll interrupt and talk over people without thinking twice about it or apologizing.
- Self-Praise – They’re really awesome…and they’re happy to tell you about it, even when you don’t ask.
- Advice – This is a big one. You’ll get all kinds of advice from them, even when you didn’t ask for it. After all, who knows better than them?
- Manipulation – All true narcissists are exceptional at this one. Watch for them to “steer the conversation” into something they might be able to benefit from.
- No Listening – A good conversation involves back-and-forth. You’re not going to get that here. You’re going to be “talked at”…not “with.”
- Source: Men’s Health