Amy Drew torches a doughnut.
Getting To Know Amy Drew Thompson
Amy Drew Thompson is the food writer for the Orlando Sentinel and our weekly featured guest on the Primetime Kitchen segment on the Jim Colbert Show (Fridays, 4:20p).
-Amy Drew's first byline as the food reporter raised some eyebrows at the newspaper. (Orlando Meats)
-She likes professional wrestling, which explains this story promo. (Ramen Rumble)
-She made the coveted list done by Scott Maxwell each year about the City Beautiful. (Top 10)
-Finally, here is a short video interview with Ms. Thompson when she started at the Orlando Sentinel. (New Food Reporter)
What's that, you can't read them because you don't have a subscription to the Orlando Sentinel, and you expect to get everything you want for free? Lucky you, even the local newspaper has a Black Friday deal. .49 freakin' cents for 26-weeks! Even you can afford to support local journalism.
Plus, you can always listen to the Primetime Kitchen podcast here!