
Teacher's Sex Arrest Stirs Controversy

Former student teacher and coach Tayler Ivy Boncal has turned herself in to police after being accused of having a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old student. A concerned parent brought the affair to the attention of the school district. Despite the boy's age, the state statute in Connecticut outlaws relationships between students and teachers. Boncal has been charged with three counts of second degree sexual assault.

The student's family has asked that she not be prosecuted, with a spokesperson for the Town of West Hartford referring to the pair as a couple and saying they were in love. 

The principal of Conard High School sent the following letter home to parents:

'I know that there have been rumors amongst students these past few weeks. Now that the police action has concluded, I am able to inform you of an incident that I was made aware of between a former student teacher/assistant coach and a student,'
'As educators, we are entrusted to protect and educate all of our students and know there are certain boundaries that can never be crossed. Also, we will not tolerate any behavior that compromises the safety or well-being of our students.
' I hope you will not let the misconduct of this one individual cast a shadow over all of our staff members who demonstrate their commitment to our students every day.'

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