
Help our friend Racquel!

Hello Friends!!!  

The heart and soul of iHeartMedia needs our help!  Racquel Roberts who works here with us at iHeart had a brain aneurism over the holidays.  If you can donate anything to her online fundraiser to help cover her medical expenses, we would all appreciate it!  No amount is too small!  Thank you for anything you can do.  

I love this woman with all my heart!  We traveled to Europe together last summer and did our tour of the soccer stadiums.  She made me go to Chelsea Stadium and I made her to to Manchester United's stadium!

Here's a little bit about what she's been going through... 

UPDATE: Racquel has been home from the hospital continuing her road to recovery. Physical therapists make weekly visits and continue to help her move forward with her progress. She has had doctors appointments and follow-up visits that have absolutely impressed her physician team . She has really made significant progress and continues to get a little bit better everyday. 

Soon she finds out when her next surgery will be returning the bone flap that was removed while she was in the hospital due to her brain swelling. This will move things even further along as she continues her healing process. The road is slow and long and we all know that her strength and determination is what continues to get her through this. 

Your comments of love and support mean a lot to her. She wants nothing more than to return to work, her family and household and her life again. She is fighting hard and strong everyday to make that happen. 

THIS fundraising site is still the best way to help right now, since she is not working this has been a huge help for she and her family's living expenses during this continued critical time.  Any and all help is appreciated. We really want to hit the goal needed to get them through this. So that the stress of living expenses isn't what she is focused on but continuing to get better and get back to all of us.  

Thank you all for everything!! Every little bit helps.............

Monday December 11th Racquel suffered from a brain aneurysm. She got out of surgery late Tuesday morning and has been in the Neuro ICU. She had to have additional surgery Friday to help relieve brain pressure. Right now her pressure is down and vitals are stable. This is going to be a very long and critical process of recovery and rehabilitation and we are just at the beginning. Racquel is a fighter and has already been showing positive signs throughout the week. She is young, strong and has incredible strength and resolve.

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