
Nerdy News: Black Panther had the second best opening weekend ever!

Black Panther had the second best weekend opening of a movie ever!  Making twice more than was expected.  And the director sent a thank you letter!  i love a thank you letter - it really does mean so much.  

And these two kids trying to sneak into a Black Panther screening is priceless.  Straight out of a cartoon.  

Tavis Smiley has sued PBS for firing him after sexual misconduct allegations were brought against him.  

Lauren Cohen - Maggie from the Walking Dead - has signed on to be the lead in a new show on ABC.  What does this mean for Maggie?  Will she be coming back for season 9 of The Walking Dead?  She's negotiating her deal with AMC.  

The Walking Dead has it's own rollercoaster!  And it's in England.  Opening Easter 2018.  

And this ride has an age requirement - only 13 and up can ride.  

It's the UK's  only multi-sensory and multi-part rollercoaster!  Looks so awesome!

James Bond - looks like they want Danny Boyle to direct the next James Bond.  That would be awesome!  Danny Boyle is awesome.  Slumdog Millionaire, 28 days later, 127 hours, and of course trainspotting!!!!

Nerd of the Week:  Jay-Z.  He knows how to play the viral marketing game!  He paid $11,000 on a $80,000 tip

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