March of Dimes: March for Babies

March of Dimes: March For Babies

Saturday May 19th

Lake Eola - East Lawn Downtown Orlando

Registration Opens at 7am

Take 5 easy steps to march for babies 

  • Sign up at  Join a team or start your own, in honor of someone you love. 
  • Set your dollar goal. Aim high! Many walkers raise $200 to $300 - some more than $1,000. 
  • Invite people to walk with you. Together you’ll raise more money and share a meaningful and fun day. 
  • Ask for donations - Send out e-mails and use your Facebook status to ask people to support your walk with an easy and secure online gift. 
  • Lace up your shoes. Get out there on March for Babies day. With every step you take, you’re helping babies!

Top 5 Reasons to March for Babies

1. It’s teambuilding - Participating as a company team creates a special camaraderie that carries over into the workplace and enhances company morale and loyalty. 

2.  You're in good company - Join business leaders in your community and across the country. Associate your company with a respected organization and a great cause. 

3. You’re a visible leader - Demonstrate your corporate responsibility. Be recognized as a leader who is committed to the community. 

4. It’s good for business - Whether your company participates regionally or nationally, you benefit from brand recognition and create interest in your products and services. 

5. You’re helping babies - From senior management to individual team members, everyone in your organization can feel good about supporting families and helping babies.

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