Florida isn’t the only state with stupid people!

8 Morons treated at Loyola burn center; tried ‘boiling water challenge’ during Polar vortex. Florida isn’t the only state with stupid people!

8 Morons treated at Loyola burn center; tried ‘boiling water challenge’ during Polar vortex. Florida isn’t the only state with stupid people!

By: Russ Rollins

WTKS - Real Radio 104.1

Feb. 8, 2019 - 4:56 PM

During the build up to last week’s polar vortex, city officials frequently warned people about the potential dangers of extreme cold.They had no idea they had to tell them not to play with boiling water.

They probably didn’t feel the need to tell people not to go outside and fling boiling water in the air to watch it to turn to steam. Perhaps they should have.

Eight goofballsattempting the “boiling water challenge” ended up at Loyola Medicine’s Burn Center, a spokesman for the Maywood hospital said Wednesday.

“We strongly warn people to not perform the boiling water challenge,” said Loyola burn surgeon Dr. Arthur Sanford. “There is no safe way to do it.”

The Loyola patients range in age from three to 53, said hospital spokesman Jim Ritter.

Florida is not the only state with knuckleheads. Good to know.


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