
Take a walk through Russ' new house.

Take a walk through my (maybe) new house.

By: Russ Ray Rollins

WTKS - Real Radio 104.1 - Orlando

Feb. 11, 2019

This may be like telling every I'm pregnant in the first trimester, but here is the house we have a contract on. It's a "fixer upper", that's the way my wife wanted it. It's a good deal in a really nice neighborhood. If we close on it, we will both be very happy.

I keep getting the question; "Why are you moving? Didn't you just buy that house in the Springs?"

Answer; Yes, I did just buy it 2 years ago. I love the house in the Springs and I love the neighborhood. When I bought the house I was a single guy and it fit me well. I said, I would never ,ever, ever have a dog again. Then I met Maryellen. She has two dogs and they came with the package. The house in the Springs has no backyard, just a courtyard. The courtyard is PERFECT for house parties, not so good for two dogs that need to go outside every night.

Also, I want us to have a home we picked out together. I would never want Maryellen to feel like this is "my" house just because I picked it out a year before we met. I want us to have "our" house. This new house will be ours.

I'm going to need new floors, paint, a refrigerator, lots of landscaping and rebath. We will make the house our own special place!

We are crossing our fingers we close one this home! Thanks to Brad Sebiert from "We are not the banks.com", I think it's going to happen.


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