Why is Russ Rollins selling his house in "The Springs?"
By: Russ Ray Rollins
WTKS - Real Radio 104.1 - Orlando
Feb 14, 2019 - 2:13
People keep asking me, "Why are you selling your house in The Springs? You just moved there!"
Truth is, I love The Springs. It's a great gated community and I feel very safe there. When I moved in two and a half years ago I was single. I picked the house out because it was close to the radio station and it had a guard gate. Now, I'm married with two dogs.
The house doesn't have a backyard, it has a courtyard. The courtyard was awesome when I didn't have two puppies that have to poop. These guys need room to run, play and go to the bathroom. They are both getting fat!! We need a back yard.
The other reason we are selling, I want a house that my wife and I pick out together. The house in The Springs is like a model home. Nothing else for us to do to it. We wanted a new place that we can fix up, together. It will be "our" house, not the house I picked out when I was single.
Here are photos so you can see what the home in The Springs looks like. Notice the courtyard, no place for two fat dogs.
If anyone is interested in a house in The Springs, talk to our wonderful sponsor " WeAreNotTheBanks.com " Brad Siebert 407-636-9808. Brad is handling our financing. If you are looking for a home, he is the BEST licensed lender to talk too. You hear me talk about Brad all the time. I put my money where my mouth is...... I use WeAreNotTheBanks.com !
( Kiss bar no included )
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