
My father died this weekend.

My father died this weekend.

Written by: Russ Ray Rollins

WTKS - Real Radio 104.1 - Orlando

Feb 24, 2019 - 5:56 PM

Raymond C. Rollins had just turned 80 years old. After a shoulder surgery in January his health had started to decline, but I NEVER thought I'd get a call telling me to get to the emergency room. Once I got to the hospital, I was taken directly into the "counseling room."

The doctor came in, and said he was gone. That fast. That was the end. Your father is dead. Wow.

I have a ton of stories to tell about my father. I can't believe the amount of stories other people have about my dad. The things he did to help people, that I never knew.

My dad was very excited about our show this Monday. Why? Todd Ulrich from channel 9 has a follow up about the scum bag that took his 57 Chevy, sold it to someone in California and NEVER paid him for his classic car. My dad is even in the promo for Monday's Channel 9 segment this weekend. All weekend, as we mourn my fathers death, he has popped up on TV. We all cheer every time we see him say "Pardon my French!"

The wonderful people at IHeart Radio and Real Radio let me know they would understand if I need to take some time off to mourn my fathers death. HELL NO. My dad would want me to GO ON WITH THE SHOW AND HELP NAIL THE GUY THAT IS RIPPING OFF PEOPLE IN CENTRAL FLORIDA!

I will be on the show tomorrow. I can not promise I won't be upset. I can tell you this, my father listened to the show every day. He loved the Monsters. He loved the listeners. He was very proud of me and very proud of this thing we built. He would wear only 3 types of shirts. Any shirt that had the name "Rollins" on it. Any shirt that had the Marine Corp. on it, and any Monsters in the Morning t-shit.

My dad is so hard core, he bought his cemetery plot and asked for numbers "104 and 104.1" for my mom and dad.

Now that is a supportive father.

I will alway love you dad.


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