Finally .... all finished with my Country Kitchen Oak table.

The Country Kitchen table, made of old Oak, is finished.

By: Russ Ray Rollins

April 17, 2019 - 2:16 PM

On Feb. 14, 2019, the last day I hugged my Dad and told him I loved him, my wife asked me for something. Maryellen never asks me for anything. She wanted a Country Kitchen table for our new house. On April 17, 2019 I am all finished with the Oak table she wanted.

When she asked me for the table, we were on our Valentines date at Christners on Lee Road. As soon as Maryellen said "I'd really like it if you made me a Country kitchen table that can be the center piece of our new home."

I said "I can't make a table!"

In response my beautiful and smart wife, rolled her eyes and said "Okay, I can find another man to make me a table for us."

"Oh hell no!" I said loudly in a restaurant that's known for class and atmosphere.

From that point on, I made it my goal to build that damn table. I started talking to my father about helping me build the table and he was more than willing to help. I can say, now, he told mom he was really looking forward to spending time with me and building the table. When my father died on March 23rd, finishing this table became something I wanted to do for Maryellen and for Raymond C Rollins. The man that always told me, "Russ, you can do anything you really put your mind to." The first thing I told my wife was , "I can't build a table." Shame on me.

She asked me for the table on Feb. 14, 2019. It is 100% finished, benches and all, on April 17, 2019.

Check it out.


Table and benches
Table & benches 2nd angel
Table & benches 3rd view

I had to remember, I really can do, (almost) anything I really focus on. Thanks Dad Rollins, you made me a believer.

Russ Ray Rollins

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