Facebook Translation:
"Insert No. 5 | 23.01.2020 | 12:31 pm | t1-1590 liters of wine (! ) threaten to gutter out of bottle
This afternoon we were alerted to a not exactly everyday operation. In a Chinese restaurant, a bottle filled with 1590 litres of red wine was leaking, so the wine started guttering out on the ground๐ท๐ท๐ท
Immediately we started building a barrier with sandbags and a wooden panel to prevent the distribution of the wine (if the bottle was to burst) across the entire restaurant area.
Afterwards we drilled a hole in the corks to drain the almost 1600 litres of wine with the help of a foreign company and pump it into barrels.
After a rough cleaning at the end of the operation, our six comrades were able to move back into the firehouse after a good two hours"
Thumbnail: Giorgio Perottino/Getty Images