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A suspected car thief in Miami, Florida, found himself trapped behind the wheel of a Corvette he was allegedly trying to steal. In a video posted to Tiktok, the Corvette's owner, Julio Solano, confronted the suspected thief, Ravesh Rabindranauth, in a parking garage.
Solano told WSVN he was returning from breakfast when the garage manager told him there was a person sitting behind the wheel of his Corvette.
"The garage manager was just staring at me. He was like, 'Hey, dude, someone's in your car," said Solano. "I thought it was all a joke," Solano told the news station. "All of a sudden, it seemed like someone was hiding in the car. He popped up and scared the crap out of me."
Solano started recording as he confronted Rabindranauth, who was trapped inside the vehicle and couldn't figure out how open the car's vertical doors.
"My brother, this is not your car, this is my car," Solano said as Rabindranauth tried to explain he's stuck.
"But why are you in my car?" he asked as Rabindranauth requested help getting out.
"No, you can't get out because we calling the cops," Solano replied. "What do you mean by 'For what?' This is a grand theft auto! Are you trying to steal my car? What are you doing?"
Eventually, the police arrived, and Rabindranauth was freed from the car and taken into custody.
Solano told WPLG he wasn't sure how Rabindranauth had broken into his car but explained that the car's security system prevented the car from working without the key.
"The car's electrical components don't function without the keys, and fortunately, he didn't know about the manual door release under the seat," said Solano.
Rabindranauth was charged with one count of burglary of an unoccupied and ordered to be held on a $2,500 bond.