Today's the day for the Monsters Christmas Wishes.
Dave - Disney tickets for 3 - GRANTED
Allison - Help for cousin's workshop. Needs walls but up - GRANTED
Mike - Wants a DSLR camera for his wife for her business
Steve - wants a Big Green Egg
John - wants to take twin 4 year olds to Legoland or Universal - GRANTED
John - needs dental work for wife - $30,000 in dental work
Laura - Help for her best friend - she just needs clothes and basic necessities - GRANTED
Joe - would like a Nintendo Switch / Bike
Laura - Son wants to be a YouTuber and make videos with video game hints. - GRANTED
Lizzy - wants clothes for her boyfriend - GRANTED
Joseph - would like presents for kids - 15 yo boy - laptop. 11 yo girl - clothes/dresser
Heather - help for her brother to save her house from foreclosure - GRANTED
Jason - wants to take girl friend to see Mom in Connecticut. Plane tickets for two
Kenny - would like a new mattress - GRANTED
Brittany - would like family portraits - GRANTED
Kelly - wants to help her Godsister and husband - they need personal effects for the adults - clothes / toiletries
If you didn't get a chance to call in and would like to enter a Christmas Wish - click here and enter one online.