Monsters in the Morning

Monsters in the Morning

You wanted the best. You got the best! The Monsters in the Morning on REAL Radio 104.1!Full Bio


Monsters Christmas Wish Show 2017

Today's the day for the Monsters Christmas Wishes.  

Dave - Disney tickets for 3 - GRANTED

Allison - Help for cousin's workshop.  Needs walls but up - GRANTED

Mike - Wants a DSLR camera for his wife for her business

Steve - wants a Big Green Egg

John - wants to take twin 4 year olds to Legoland or Universal - GRANTED

John - needs dental work for wife - $30,000 in dental work

Laura - Help for her best friend - she just needs clothes and basic necessities - GRANTED

Joe - would like a Nintendo Switch / Bike

Laura - Son wants to be a YouTuber and make videos with video game hints.  - GRANTED

Lizzy - wants clothes for her boyfriend - GRANTED

Joseph - would like presents for kids - 15 yo boy - laptop. 11 yo girl - clothes/dresser

Heather - help for her brother to save her house from foreclosure - GRANTED

Jason - wants to take girl friend to see Mom in Connecticut.  Plane tickets for two 

Kenny - would like a new mattress - GRANTED

Brittany - would like family portraits - GRANTED

Kelly - wants to help her Godsister and husband - they need personal effects for the adults - clothes / toiletries 

If you didn't get a chance to call in and would like to enter a Christmas Wish - click here and enter one online.

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