Law and Disorder | 10/10/18

Law and Disorder on October 10, 2018

Here is the link to the show Law & Disorder if you didn’t get a chance to hear it.

  • Question: My son got injured when he was on his motorcycle and a lady pulled out in front of him. His bike is totaled, and he has road rash in a few areas. Went to the doctors and there is joint damage to his shoulder. Other areas that require physical therapy and chiropractic adjustments. Is it worth getting a lawyer?
  • Answer: If you get hurt by somebody else, you should get a lawyer. The idea is to put you back in the position you were before this accident occurred and this is the reason getting an attorney is recommended.  
  • Question: My son was hurt at school and broke his wrist in two places. My son may require a possible surgery to pin the wrist back in place. It involved another child who got suspended for 3 days. What can I do or how do I go about getting reimbursed from the school?
  • Answer: To file suit, you must show that the school had a duty and did something wrong such as not monitoring the children. Suing a school is extremely difficult and is a long process. It appears that the school might not be the party you would be suing. The other child’s parents are responsible. It’s also difficult to recover damages if you sue a person directly, if they do not have insurance.
  • Question: My boss challenged me to a fight and I broke my hand on his face because I never back down. Can I sue?
  • Answer: You may have a case. However, it may be difficult because there is contributory negligence which means you were partially responsible for your injuries. You could have walked away, called the police, done many things to prevent this from happening.
  • Question: Can a lawyer negotiate the medical bills before a settlement is agreed upon?
  • Answer: It depends on how much the settlement is for. If the settlement is a million dollars for example, they may want to get paid for their services in full.
  • Question: I just found out my doctor dumped medical records in the city dump about two months ago. It was on the news. Do I and other patients have a case against him?
  • Answer: You must show damages and show how you were hurt. For example, if your identity was stolen because of this, you may have a case.

Law & Disorder with Kaufman & Lynd: September 19, 2018

Law & Disorder with Kaufman & Lynd: September 12, 2018

Law & Disorder with Kaufman & Lynd: September 26, 2018 

Jeffrey Kaufman can be found on Justia Lawyers and

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