The News Junkie

The News Junkie

The News Junkie - I drink too much, curse far too often and obsess over breaking news. I hope we can still be friends. Read more:...Full Bio


Glow-in-the-Dark Sharks Found in New Zealand

Well, that's different.

Scientists in New Zealand have discovered three new deepwater shark species that can glow in the dark. The southern lanternshark, the blackbelly lanternshark, and the kitefin shark were already known to researchers, but this was the first time they were seen emitting light.

These sharks use bioluminescence as a form of camouflage since there is no where to hide in their environment.

Check out the story here!

Photo: Getty Images

Photo: NIWA/UCLouvain (via SkyNews)

Story: SkyNews

Tweet: BBCWorld

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