The News Junkie

The News Junkie

The News Junkie - I drink too much, curse far too often and obsess over breaking news. I hope we can still be friends. Read more:...Full Bio


Topless Women Spotted At University of Utah Game

Close-up of a topless woman holding a hand over her breast

Photo: Getty Images

Topless Women Spotted At University Of Utah Game

Although the University of Utah clobbered Southern Utah University 73-7 on Saturday, most of the Utes' fans in attendance didn't spend much of the game watching the action on the field. Instead, their collective attention was directed at the stands.

That's where two women were spotted cheering on the college team, wearing nothing but body paint from their waists up, says University spokesman Christopher Nelson. "They had a haphazard, just kind of sloppy paint on their back, and we’re like, 'Is that all they’re wearing?," says fan Melea Johnson, who attended the game with her children. "We didn’t know, and our first instinct is we have our kids with us and oh my gosh, we have to shield them."

Although the women eventually put their shirts on after they were approached by security personnel, police have launched a search for the scantily-clad fans, according to the Salt Lake City Police Department.

Does it count as indecent exposure if the women's breasts were covered by body paint?

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