The Philips Phile Archives

The Philips Phile Archives

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My UFO Sighting

Can you see it?

Tuesday morning was a normal day. It was like any other. But while I was attempting a left-hand turn, I saw a pitch black object floating high up in the clouds. It was on a straight trajectory like it was on a flight path, and very sturdy. It was not being blown off course by the wind.

Then it just stopped dead in its tracks. That's when I grabbed my phone and started taking pictures. Actually, I thought if you held your thumb down on the camera button it would take a video. Instead, it took 62 pictures in the time-frame of a few seconds. The collage below is how much the object changed shapes in the span of that time.

It started back on its path shortly after as I drove off. It was definitely not an airplane, helicopter, or bird. 

What do you think it was? -Fritz

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