CRAZY Conspiracy Theory Makes Hasbro Pull Popular Kids Toy From Shelves

This harmless looking toy is somehow connected to a "child sex ring" conspiracy. I will say, the details are weird but this theory is really out there!

If you thought that the conspiracy theorist of the world have no power, well you are wrong. They have permitted every aspect of society. They take their "call's to action" from an anonymous source that has an inside track on whats REALLY happening in the government. Their source is called "Qanon". What is "QAnon"? QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory detailing a supposed secret plot by an alleged "deep state" against U.S. President Donald Trump and his supporters. QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory detailing a supposed secret plot by an alleged "deep state" against U.S. President Donald Trump and his supporters.. One of their supporters is behind supporting the ban of this toy because of their theory.

Read more about what is Hasbro is planning on doing with this toy by clicking HERE

If you are interested in theory's that are not mainstream. Make sure to check out my "Corona Virus" theory podcast. A lot of what I said has proven to be true!

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