Carlos's New Hair Style

For many years most of you only knew me for my critically acclaimed hair and styles. It was soft yet supple, daring yet refined. But what many of you don’t know is…I’ve gone bald. I’m so sorry. I didn’t want the Italian press or hair Twitter to know and I lose my shampoo and hair net sponsorships. Recently I tried to grow it back out, and I failed. I realized that my bald spot has now grown and taken over my fore head. My former hair island has also been affected by age and climate change and it has all but disappeared. 1 little brave Greta Thornberg hair stands firm, but it is quite sad. Yes, I am happier than I have ever been and booking more than ever with my “tough bald guy Carlos from the block” look. But I would love to get my award winning hair back. If I could choose from all of my unique styles of the past, my Cesar cut from my barber louciano in 2002 for my birthday party was my peak. For those who have only followed me because of my former awesome and stylish hair cuts, thanks for sticking with me! I just acquired a wig sponsorship!!!! Go to and use the promo code “We Miss Carlos’s Hair” for 1.5% off any order over $500 dollars.

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