The Jim Colbert Show

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Search Your Ace Off - Big Green Egg Hunt!

The Big Green Egg Hunt 2023

The Jim Colbert Show wants you to Search Your Ace Off…again. It’s the Toole’s Ace Hardware Big Green Egg Hunt 2023!

See below and listen to the Jim Colbert Show for the clues on where in Central Florida you can find this hidden treasure.

Your mission, should you decide to accept it will be to decipher the clues and “Search Your Ace Off!”

In the hidden treasure is a certificate for a Big Green Egg with accessories courtesy of Toole’s Ace Hardware.

You could win The Big Green Egg Package valued at $1313.94

The package includes:

1 - Large Big Green Egg

1 - Large Nest

1 - Large ConvEGGtor

1 - 20lb bag of charcoal

1 - Ash Tool

1 - Grid Gripper

1 - box of fire starters

Search Your ACE Off!!

Big thanks to Toole's Ace Hardware for sponsoring this contest!

Click here for rules.

Here are your clues:


Tis’ the season to abandon all reason and ponder this rhyme complete,

Words will be twisted, and clues will be gifted to those who venture this feat.

There’ll be no climbing, nor swimming, and no trespassing will be needed,

Ponder the clues, consider the hues, and a Big Green Egg will certainly be deeded.

Two old men, a hundred again, have called this place home for ages,

In their due day, hawks and cats stalked their prey, among these hallowed sages.

There’ll be bends and buckles, a few cypress knuckles and some voids along the way,

You may hear a shout, or a car horn cry out, and four old oaks will stand guard all day.

A dasher of hopes, have been these great slopes, to many a daring soul, 

But tomorrow doth bring, another chance to be king, an irony beyond our control. 

Find the entrance to this land, a sign will be at hand, the name will adorn the board, 

Neath the sign there will be, a black tail you’ll see, pull it and enjoy your hoard. 

A big thanks indeed, to our friends who do heed, our free Big Green Egg call, 

It’s for our pals at Tooles Ace, a wonderful place, Winter, Spring Summer or Fall. 

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